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The Making of My Amazing Christmas Tree Gown

The Making of My Amazing Christmas Tree Gown

This year’s RTS Christmas Card was made even more special 

by my beautiful Christmas Tree gown, 

a perfect blend of holiday charm and creative brilliance. 


It all began with a vision to put me front and center in a beautiful Christmas gown, 

with our CEO, Gary Phillips; VP, Brian Teike; GM, Claude Peppers;

and our nine branch managers at my side.


All in a snowy wonderland. 


But there's more of a story to this card than most Christmas cards. 

This card's story is all about my Christmas gown.


You see, we simply could not find the perfect Christmas gown. 

So, I suggested the perfect Christmas gown 

ought to be a Christmas "Tree" gown. 


Pretty wonderful, beautiful idea... don't you think? 


But when we discovered there were no Christmas Tree gowns to be found. 

We decided to make our own, instead. 


Which was easier said, then done…


So, I invite you to watch my behind the scenes story 

on how we brought this beautifully unique gown to life 

for our Christmas Card you have now received. 


From all of us at RTS, 

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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